Petition to Chen Wu

Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China Permanently!

Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China Permanently!
Animals in Beijing, Beijing, CN
596 view

While watching Lisa Vanderpump’s popular reality show, I was sickened to learn about the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. This festival is cruel and hideous. It started in 2010 and has no religious or ceremonial value. The dogs are beaten and then skinned alive — crying out in agony as people cheer on the butchers. Then the poor creatures are fed to people all over the city.

Outraged and feeling desperate to do something, anything for these helpless dogs, I started this petition to say enough is enough — it’s time to STOP the Yulin Dog Meat Festival permanently!

The festival hits home on a personal level. Dogs are my life. As a professional dog groomer, it’s my job to treat dogs with the highest level of compassion and care. And as a mom to three dogs — one rescued from Hurricane Katrina — I consider my dogs as family members, and would do anything to protect them.

Anyone who has ever had a dog knows how sensitive, loyal, loving and trusting dogs are. Please sign my petition to help END this despicable festival for good. If you need more coaxing to sign, watch this video and see if you can stomach what happens to the dogs. You won't be able to sleep.

April 22, 2017

386,342 Supporters

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Letter to
Yulin City Governor, Chen Wu
Chairman of China National Tourism Administration, Shao Qiwei
Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the United States, Cui Tiankai

The festival hits home on a personal level. Dogs are my life. As a professional dog groomer, it’s my job to treat dogs with the highest level of compassion and care. And as a mom to three dogs — one rescued from Hurricane Katrina — I consider my dogs as family members, and would do anything to protect them.

Anyone who has ever had a dog knows how sensitive, loyal, loving and trusting dogs are. Please sign my petition to help END this despicable festival for good. If you need more coaxing to sign, watch this video and see if you can stomach what happens to the dogs. You won’t be able to sleep.


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Started this petition 8 years ago
386,342 Supporters
113,658 needed to reach 500,000
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